Here is where i'll give my thoughts about games, of the tabletop and video variety.
← Go BackGreat game that I find has a great feeling of parenthood, I personally perfer Bioshock 2's gameplay over 1's. It also has a really great DLC story with-
A great side story following Subject Sigma and Charles Milton Porter as they fight over control of "The Thinker" from Reed Wahl, The Thinker is a super computer that was created by Charles and Reed that controls all of the systems of Rapture, the underwater city. Reed has become obsessed with The Thinker, beliving it able to predict the future. Throughout the story it's revealed that Charles built The Thinker orginally to replace his wife Pearl who was killed during the London Blitz. Subject Sigma confronts Reed in The Thinker's core and kills him, It's then revealed that Subject Sigma is Charles Milton Porter. Reed Wahl used The Thinker's personality replication protocol to frame him for treason, and he was turned into an alpha series Big Daddy. The Charles that you talked to during the game is actually The Thinker replicating Charles' personality. The game ends with Charles escaping to the surface and removing the Big Daddy augments, he stands over Pearl's grave and apologizes for obsessing over her.
I used to play the flash version of binding of isaac all the time on newgrounds before eventually getting it on steam. My grandparent's shitty dell computer could barely run it, but i had alot of fond memories of it. I never bought Rebirth because I already had the flash version and was broke. But with Repentence coming and me having a job, I picked it up and got back into it, it doesn't help my roommates were really into it. It strikes that perfect balance between curbstomping everything in the game and ripping out your own pubic hair from frustration. I had a run recently actually that had a weird bug, it may be because I modded the game, but I was doing a negative run, but when I was supposed to go to Sheol i wound up going to home.
The weird thing is I couldn't leave the room i was in, and all my items were changed. The timer stopped working. I tried using console commands to leave but that didn't work, restarting the game didn't work, I managed to teleport out of the room, but wound up in a looping hallway. It felt like it went on for an eternity, I tried looking for any mod that could've done it, but I can't find the culprit. I disabled all my mods and now the game isn't running. Isaac is a bit of a buggy game anyway, and I have only myself to blame for modding the game. I really love the sad story this game tells. I recommend it alot!