
Hello! Welcome to my personal Blog

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Eve's Journal


This a personal blog dedicated to Me, Myself and I. Eve!

Feel free to check out my about me if you wanna learn more about me.


why are you even still here?




New Dream: Exploring an abandoned building, it was a large circular building made of concrete, almost like a stadium. I'm in an upper area, going through backrooms, opening doors just to see what was left behind. I think there's people with me, but I don't interact with them. A spider web gets stick to my face, and I see a large spider-like creature moving towards my face. I know it's venomous, and I start panicking. I try to get the web off of me,but no matter how hard I try it doesn't work, It jumps at my face. I woke up as it presumably bites me.


Running low on meds, nightmares are coming back, need to stay focused. can't let it come back


had a dream where I had a child Panicking I don't know what to do. Asking for help but nobody gives me any. The people I love laugh me off and ignore me. Things have been odd lately.


Hey! Long time no see! Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy helping with moving apartments and had to take a brief hiatus, but I'm back now! Updates should be more frequent now. Speaking of which, I added a Guestbook, if you want to just sign your name or leave a comments that's the place to do it! No dreams for today, I've stayed up all night to work on this


Another Dream: I was at my dad's house, it was almost an alternate universe. He was much different, happier, he was cleaned up and nicer to me. I was happier and healthier. I sit in my bed then get bit by a black widow on my wrist. My arm starts rotting in front of my very eyes as I start panicking. It gets dark and I'm left alone. I never noticed how often I have bad dreams until now, maybe I should just give up and stop logging them, maybe i should just delete this site and move on. I added some stuff to the games tab under the media site.


Another Dream: At my grandma's house again, hear something outside. There's a fox attacking a cat, the cat is on a large stump and the fox is trying to attack them. I have a katana and I hit the fox with the scabbard. It charges at me and I cut it's head off. I get bitten. Taking a closer look, it's clearly rabid. I go to clean the wound and prepare to go to a doctor. Updated the site some more, started the videos page, needs to be worked on more, but it's a start. Worked more on the Media tab. Removed music player for causing too many issues


Been a bit since I've worked on this website, haven't been feeling too good. I think I'm having another depressive episode. I'll keep working on this when i can. I updated the Media Tab, I realized how much of a piece of shit gamer I am (lmao). I'll keep working on the site. Had another weird dream, I was alone in an infinite dark void, but then i saw a faint purple light. I wonder if this is related to the trazadone.


Had another weird dream, I was walking through the woods, and I came across a shack, I heard someone beckoning me over, and I entered. There was no-one inside, but there was a table, and a piece of paper, I turned around and I saw an endless abyss behind me. I heard someone say "Perhaps this is hell." I don't remember much else, I'm glad I stared journaling my dreams, they have can give some good inspiration. No site updates today, I need to clean up the apartment


Added a music player, character board, and an about me. I had a strange dream last night, I can't remember much. I just heard someone crying for help in a dark void. I hope the trazadone will unfuck my sleep schedule, but I need to keep working on this as well as a video project for ------- -----. I'll probably smoke up after I get off work, for now I'll just log my progress on the site.


I began work on this website as a sort of digital journal, it also gives me a place to hold all of my projects. It also should give me a sort of a way to track my mental health and cope with my depression. Hopefully this website can help me when I finally get to college, but I'll ramble on more when I finish making the site itself.